I’ve had a very difficult childhood and I have to say it was
poetry that brought me through many difficult days and impossible situations
that I can stand here today. From very early in my life, poetry became my very
close friend, always there when needed, hugging me, loving me and giving me a voice
to speak when I could not speak. Poetry understood my tears, my grief, my pain
as well as my laughter and always offered me an ear or a smile. Poetry has helped me get into relationships, deal with break
ups, absorb deaths, loss and other feelings. To state plainly, I was abused as
a child, and poetry helped me un-bottle all those emotions and feelings that I
had bottled up inside from that period of my life.
I believe poetry is a necessary part of our lives
because poems can inspire and make us think about what it means to be human,
without poetry, the world would be like un-salted, unseasoned food very bland
and tasteless. Poetry is art and Art is communication and Communication is
essential for life to continue. Another word for communication is intercourse,
so the reading and writing of Poetry is very involved with the interplay and
dialogue between humans. Poetry allows
us to dream, to let off steam, or even
express our madness, our regrets, our desires, aspirations and our beliefs.
We complain
and rag about the state of the planet through the voices of our poets because
poets are a way of advising the world. Poets are also teachers and doctors and
lawyers and waiters and labourers because poets speak for all. Yes; poets even speak for the dead and poets don't
cry they bleed. The fact is, poetry teaches us about life. It say in a fewer
words than we can speak, it deliver messages, points of view, comments with
words that ignite our mind, our imagination and even reason in some cases. And make us
think in a different way, a deeper way than just simply speaking or talking. It has helped me deal with anger, frustration, heartbreak,
headache, hopelessness, isolation, depression, and more. It’s helped me be
human. That’s the true value of poetry as far as I’m concerned. Everything else
is icing.
the last few years I have spent much of my time writing poetry. Sometimes,
while sitting alone in front of my computer, I had sometimes wondered whether I
was wasting my time. After all, the world is in trouble, society is falling
apart surely there must be something more useful, more pressing, to give my
time to than reflecting on poetry? But that thought
did not last long and over the years, I’ve
kept writing because I knew, I understood that great poetry has the power to
start a fire in a person's life. It can alter the way we see ourselves and can
change the way we see the world and if the world will listen, perhaps even
change the world.
may never have read a poem in your life, and yet you can pick up a Walcott, Neruda
or Grace Nichols on any page, and
suddenly find yourself blown into a world full of awe, dread, wonder, marvel,
deep sorrow and joy, poetry does that and more. It is a magical art, and always has been-a making of
language spells designed to open our eyes, open our doors and welcome us into a
bigger world, one of possibilities we may never have dared to dream of. Poems
honour the unknown, both in us and in the world. They come from an undiscovered
country; they are shaped into form by the power of language, and set free to
fly with wings of images and metaphor. Imagine a world in which everything is
already known. It would be a dead world, no questions, no wonder, and no other
possibility. Poetry, above other art form, comes closest to fulfilling
the goal of art.
The magic of poetry, is how it uses common everyday speech. It uses words that are known to all of us, but in a sequence and
order that surprises us out of our normal speech rhythms and thought processes.
Its effect is to illuminate our lives and breathe new life, new seeing, and new
tasting into the world we thought we knew. Poetry bids us eat the apple whole, it
allows us to smell anger, inhale joy or taste a thought. It opens up our
senses, I feel that everything I know about being human has been deepened by
the poems I've either written or have read.
like air, like water, like food; I think poetry is also a necessary in our
lives. But, Poetry can be dangerous as well as necessary. Because we may never
be the same again after reading a poem that happens to speak to our own life
directly. I know that when I meet my own life in a great poem, I feel opened,
clarified, confirmed somehow in what I sensed was true but had no words for. Anything that can do this is surely necessary
for the fullness of human life hence poetry is very necessary to the world,
to society and more directly, very necessary to our daily life.
I could relate to poetry being my voice from a child. It is the voice of the voiceless as I stated in one of my poems. Poetry is power to those disenfranchised. Poetry is a drink of fresh water to the sick, hungry and hopeless. It rejuvenates an Excalibur in ever man..brings you from peasant to King Arthur...
ReplyDeleteI could relate to poetry being my voice from a child. It is the voice of the voiceless as I stated in one of my poems. Poetry is power to those disenfranchised. Poetry is a drink of fresh water to the sick, hungry and hopeless. It rejuvenates an Excalibur in ever man..brings you from peasant to King Arthur...