Friday, 27 November 2015


Hello everyone and welcome. I did my first collaboration with Tahirah Leacock of the Dance Project after realizing how these two art form interlink and how much they had in common. This collaborated effort was quite interesting, I was suppose to write and recite the poem while Tahirah dance to the poetic rhythm. Well last minutes we did a quick change and I ended up dancing with her, which worked out well. Below is my poem that Tahirah danced to. Hope you enjoy my poem and this lovely pic of her dancing and do check out her page by clicking the link above and enjoy the video.


Words cascading across ivory sheets
Flowing, spinning, swaying
Tap, tap, tapping poetic feet
Dance, dance, dance with fervour
Dance, dance, dance with life
Move to the rhythmic beat
Rhythm rising, passion surging
As rhymes take flight

Tap, tap, taping
Flowing, spinning, swaying
Moving fluid as words 
Creating meaning as they flows
Dance, dance, dance with life
Flowing calm and graceful as an ocean
Dancing is poetry in motion

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance - Carl Sandburg
It is understood that art is the most expressive form of human emotions, be it painting, drawing, music, dancing and yes, poetry. Poetry as an art form is emotive; it uses artistic language to speak as it expresses an idea, relates a story or simply convey an emotion. Poetry is about music, rhythm, beat, flow and movement through the usage of words. Whether it is oral or written, words create rhythm and flow, each word or line creating a beat; it's like doing a dance on page. Like dance, poetry is about motion, and expression, because art is expressive. Actually, poetry and dance is quite similar in this respect as they're both highly emotive and expressive. Both art forms have the ability to capture a single experience or moment in time in a very intrinsic and visceral way. Poetry and dance are as close as humanity comes to a direct expression of the soul. So when next you feel the need to communicate an idea, feeling or emotion, just write a poem, scribble some words and spill some rhymes and if you can't write, just dance.

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word

Don't forget to check out the collaboration of Dance and Poetry by clicking link above! 

Dance is Poetry in motion!

Thanks Tahirah for this beautiful experience!

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