Sunday, 1 November 2015


Hi folks, in an earlier post, I spoke a little bit about the language of poetry being figurative language. Another word used for figurative language is Figure of Speech sometimes called poetic devices, so if you should hear any of these phrases you know that they are referring to figurative language. In this post I want to look at some of the basic poetic devices used in poetry such as: Metaphor, Simile, Hyperbole, Personification and Symbolism, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration and Assonance. But first:

First a short video to give you some more insight into poetry and the use of figurative language and the way it empowers poetry.

Here are some figurative Language/Figure of Speech and their meaning at least the basic ones that you should be familiar with as they are the more popular ones used. The words in bold italic are the primary focus and main thing to remember about these devices.

Hyperbole- is simply an exaggeration e.g. I am so hungry, I can eat a horse.

Personification- This is when you apply human qualities to lifeless or animated objects  e.g ‘The television shouts from the corner of the room’

Onomatopoeia - this is employing the use of words that represent sound

Symbolism- Well, this is simply something used to represent something else,

Alliteration- is the repeated sound of the first consonant in a series of multiple words, or the repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words

Assonance- is the repetition of vowel (a e i o u) sounds in words or phrases

These are just a few as there are many other figures of speech used in creating poetry which is aimed at beautifying and empowering the craft and these devices or figure of speech are used in our daily conversations which just goes to show how poetry is a natural part of life and lives in our everyday speech. As I always say, “Poetry is life and Life is Poetry”. What's interesting is that these poetic Devices /Figures of Speech are so commonly used by us that they can even be found in the songs we listen to and the movies we watch. Don’t believe me? Take a look!

Here are two short videos that demonstrates this, the first shows how these devices are used in movies.

This second one shows how they are even used in songs. How about you give it a go and try to figure-out the figure of speech used as they go along

Hope this gives you a clearer picture or understanding of figurative language and the fact that Poetry is not something out there beyond our reach, but part of our daily  life. 


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